3 Effective Exercises to Strengthen Your Core Muscles

Commonly-performed sit-ups and crunches aren’t effective core exercises, says Fitness Coach Karina Inkster. In fact, they can lead to spinal problems. Here are three safe and challenging alternatives.

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4 Foam Rolling Moves That'll Improve Your Posture

4 Foam Rolling Moves to Ease Stiff Joints

Normal age-related changes can lead to increased stiffness in our joints. These four foam rolling moves will decrease muscle tension while massaging your upper back.

Why Is Menopause So Misunderstood?

Why Is Menopause So Misunderstood?

Shirley Weir is determined to change the conversation about menopause. It’s why she started Menopause Chicks, an online platform that encourages women to take control of their midlife health.

Can Hypnotherapy Ease Menopausal Hot Flashes?

Can Hypnotherapy Ease Menopausal Hot Flashes?

Hypnotherapy has been used to increase motivations or alter behavior patterns. But studies are also showing hypnotherapy to be an effective strategy for decreasing the severity of hot flashes.

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