4 Surprising Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

The idea that a pet is good for our mental health isn’t new. But it turns out there are some surprising physical health benefits from sharing your house with a furry friend as well.

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Also In Staying Healthy


Mushrooms: Nature’s Most Powerful Medicines

Medicinal mushrooms are some of the most powerful stimulators of the immune system that nature possesses. Naturopathic doctor Talia Marcheggiani summarizes the benefits associated with eating certain fungi, including chaga, reishi and shiitake mushrooms.

4 Ways to Be Proactive with Your Hearing Health

4 Ways to Be Proactive with Your Hearing Health

Age-related hearing loss can occur gradually due to natural changes in the inner ear. That’s why getting your hearing tested once a year is as important as seeing your physician for an annual checkup.

Stressed? Lonely? A Pet May Help

Stressed? Lonely? A Pet May Help

Whether part of a family or a loyal companion for someone who lives alone, pets are good for both our mental and physical health. Here’s why.

Treating the Roots of Hair Loss

Treating the Roots of Hair Loss

Naturopathic doctor Talia Marcheggiani offers advice on the best ways for older adults to stimulate hair growth without the use of medication.

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