Kidney Beans: An Excellent Plant-Based Source of Protein

Kidney beans are a plant-based source of protein. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, and nearly one-fifth of the vitamin B1 that older adults need each day.

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Also In Eating Well

With Guava You Get a Megadose of Vitamin C

With Guava You Get a Megadose of Vitamin C

This underrated tropical fruit shines for its heart-protective antioxidants, low calorie count and vitamin C content. It’s also an excellent source of folate, one of the most important B vitamins for older adults.

What a Dietitian Brings to a Potluck

What a Dietitian Brings to a Potluck

Hosting a gathering for your book club, exercise group or friends tonight? With the help of a few of our favorite dietitians, we’ve rounded up 17 healthy potluck dish ideas for your next group get-together.

The Plight of the Potato

The next time you hear someone say that “potatoes are bad for you,” remember that what really matters is how many potatoes you eat, how they’re prepared and what other foods you eat alongside them.

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