Can Herbal Teas Help Rid Our Bodies of Toxins Naturally?

Q: In the natural aisle of my grocery store, there are all kinds of teas that claim to help clean out your system and support detoxification. Should these be used on on ongoing basis or just for occasional maintenance?

Can Herbal Teas Help Rid Our Bodies of Toxins Naturally?
Anjeli Lundblad

A: Teas that promise to help clean out your system may contain herbs that act as natural laxatives, such as senna or cascara. When used as directed, these can help relieve mild occasional constipation. However, using them on an ongoing basis may have unintended consequences — such as becoming dependent on them to have a bowel movement. If you find yourself reaching for laxatives or herbal teas on a regular basis, talk to your doctor. In addition to being uncomfortable, constipation can be a sign of other medical issues.

A better way to keep your system regular is to eat plenty of fiber (high fiber cereals, ancient grains, legumes, nuts and flaxseed are all good sources), stay well hydrated and get regular exercise.

Teas that purport to help with detoxification may also contain herbs that act as diuretics, such as dandelion root. While diuretics can help reduce bloating due to water retention, they don’t affect the body’s elimination of toxins. Rather, if used on a daily basis, they can deplete your body of important electrolyte minerals. Instead, although it may sound counter-intuitive, drinking more water can help your body shed excess water weight, as can cutting back on salt and starches.

Water retention can also be a symptom of a medical condition or even a side effect of certain medications. If you notice sudden, severe or persistent bloating or water retention, it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor.

How to Help Your Body Detoxify

Our bodies are constantly exposed to chemicals, both natural and synthetic, which could be toxic in sufficient quantities. These potentially harmful compounds are in the air, our water and the products we put on our bodies or use around our homes. Some of these toxins are simply the by-products of natural processes like breathing, digestion and immune function.

Fortunately, your liver and kidneys are extremely adept at filtering these compounds from the blood, breaking them down or converting them into less harmful molecules and escorting them safely out of your body. Despite the popularity of detox teas, supplements and diets, their impact on your body’s detoxification processes is fairly minimal.

The best way to support your body’s detoxification processes is to give your liver and kidneys less to do by reducing your exposure to toxic compounds. This includes minimizing your alcohol consumption, avoiding second-hand smoke, wood smoke, paint and gas fumes, and using a water filter if there are any concerns about your local water supply.

Other ways to reduce your chemical exposure include using non-toxic cleaning products, insecticides and garden chemicals whenever possible, and leaving shoes at the door to avoid tracking chemicals from the outside into your home.

About the Writer

Monica Reinagel

Monica is a board-certified, licensed nutritionist and professionally trained chef. Her advice is regularly featured on the TODAY show, Dr. Oz, CBS News and Morning Edition, as well as leading newspapers, magazines and websites. She’s the author of six books, including Nutrition Diva’s Secrets for a Healthy Diet, and creator of the Nutrition Diva podcast (one of iTunes’ most highly ranked health and fitness podcasts).

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