24 Strength-Building Exercises for Older Adults

Strength training is incredibly important as we age, but it’s often overshadowed by heart-pumping aerobic activities, such as running, racquet sports and swimming. As we get older we naturally lose muscle mass and bone density — it’s a totally normal and natural process. A strength training regime, in addition to aerobic activity, can help slow this process down, prevent age-related injuries such as falling, and keep us active well into our golden years.

21 Strength-Building Exercises for Older Adults

It’s recommended that older adults include two 30-minute strength training sessions in their exercise schedule each week in addition to at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as running or water aerobics.

If you haven’t lifted a weight in a while, Louisa Flinn, Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Lifetime Daily offers some motivation: “It’s never too late to start strength training. The importance of keeping the body strong and flexible while doing any physical activity is highly important especially as we age. I train a 79-year-old gentleman who consistently comes to strength train twice a week. He’s light years ahead of his peers in terms of looking and feeling healthy and fit.”

Ready to get started? We’ve compiled a list of 24 essential strength training exercises that target the core, low back and upper body.

Core Strengthening Exercises


1. Plank

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The plank is one of the most well-known core strengthening exercises, and for good reason. It works your abdominals, lower back and glute muscles.

2. Roll-Out

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The roll-out targets your entire core, which includes the lower back muscles. Keep your lower back healthy and improve your posture by incorporating this exercise into your regular routine.

3. Single-Leg Stability

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This core strengthening exercise strengthens single-leg stability, which is important for improving balance and preventing falls later in life.

Lower Body Strengthening Exercises


4. Bird Dog

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Low-back pain is common in older adults. This exercise is a fantastic core and back strengthener that also makes an effective warm-up move before lifting weights or playing sports.

5. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

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Weak glute muscles are often to blame for joint and back pain. Learn how how to do a hamstring curl safely.

6. Front Squat With Pause

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A twist on the squat — a classic lower body move — this exercise puts more emphasis on the quad muscles in two ways: first, by holding the weight in front of you (instead of behind, as in a barbell squat), and second, by performing extra “half” repetitions that keep your muscles working longer than usual.

Upper Body Strengthening Exercises

3 Surprisingly Easy Upper Body Exercises For Older Adults

7. 3 Easy Upper Back Exercises

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These three upper body exercises work multiple muscles and help ward off injury. Plus they’re easy to do at home — you just need a set of dumbbells.

8. 3 Simple Moves to Improve Posture

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Good posture is even more important as we get older. Here are three easy exercises that strengthen key muscles, and ward off that hunch-back look.

9. 3 Compound Movements to Strengthen Your Chest Muscles

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Train your pecs with compound movements like the exercises in this set. You’ll also work the triceps, shoulder and forearm muscles.

Total Body Exercises

At-Home Exercises to Improve Your Balance

10. 6 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do at Home

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Here are six exercises that strengthen key muscles. Each exercise can be done easily and safely at home.

11. 3 Stability Ball Exercises to Improve Overall Strength and Prevent Injury

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Learn about proprioception (which is knowing your body’s position without looking) and more strength-building moves using a stability ball.

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